Why it’s so important to shoot in manual

When I first started photography I was using the auto setting on the camera. I almost gave up because I just couldn’t capture the photos I wanted. It wasn’t until I started shooting in manual when I began to get the results I was looking for.

Why Shoot in Manual

There’s a reason the professionals shoot in manual. For me, I like to have full control of the camera and how my photo will turn out. That’s why Everything I use is in manual, including my lenses.

The Auto Algorithm 

When shooting in auto, you’re letting the auto algorithm decide how to capture the photo.

The problem is, the algorithm has no idea what kind of photo you’re trying to take.

It doesn’t know if you’re trying to take a portrait, capture the stars, or show motion in running water from a stream.

The auto algorithm changes settings based on exposure. But there are 3 ways to adjust exposure. Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. And each one creates certain effects.

So when the auto algorithm just randomly starts changing these settings, there’s no telling how the photo will come out.

Shoot in Manual

Now you see why it’s SO important to shoot in manual. If you want to take full control of your cameras full potential, you must learn how to master the manual settings.

It’s not difficult, you just need to practice.

It took me years of trial and error to get where I am now. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. That’s why I created the ‘All Things Manual’ course.

I took everything I know about capturing the photo using the manual settings and crammed them into this course. You can find more info on the course here.

So what are you waiting for? Start shooting in manual. You won’t regret it!


So now that you know what to do, go out and practice shooting in manual.

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